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Steps To Accreditation

Is your business interested in Ethical Clothing Australia accreditation? Read the steps to accreditation below, and don’t forget to read about the benefits of accreditation by clicking the button below.

We think all workers in Australia deserve the safeguards the accreditation program offers, and that all businesses committed to manufacturing locally should be supported to understand their obligations.

1. Assess Your Eligibility

Take the Accreditation Eligibility Quiz online to assess your business’s eligibility for the accreditation program.  

Depending on your business operations, eligibility for the program may be straightforward and the eligibility quiz will highlight this. For some businesses, eligibility may be more complex than what is captured in the quiz.  

Ethical Clothing Australia is committed to the protection of your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles and National Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.

2. Get In Touch with Our Team

At the end of the Accreditation Eligibility Quiz, you will be invited to book a time to speak with an Accreditation Program Advisor. In this no-obligation call, you will discuss your eligibility and have the chance to ask questions about the accreditation process.  

You can also book in a chat with an Accreditation Program Advisor at any time!

3. Read the Accreditation Guidelines & Review the Fees

Review the Accreditation Guidelines and annual accreditation fees before you apply. The Accreditation Guidelines answer frequently asked questions about, and provide an overview of, the accreditation program and compliance audit. 

You can also take a look at the industry resources page on the Ethical Clothing Australia website. This page has been designed to assist you during the compliance audit, and help you better understand your legal obligations. 

4. Speak with Your Suppliers (outsourcing only)

To be Ethical Clothing Australia accredited, all of your manufacturing operations are audited, including any outsourced locations in Australia. It’s important to speak with your suppliers to introduce them to the Ethical Clothing Australia accreditation process and explain why accreditation matters, and what the process will look like for them.  

The team at Ethical Clothing Australia can assist you with these conversations if needed.  

5. Complete the Online Accreditation Application Forms

Submit the online Fee & Manufacturing Form, which captures information about your business and all manufacturing locations in Australia. Information in this form will determine your annual accreditation fee

Read and sign the online Code of Practice, which outlines the terms of the agreement for the accreditation program. 

These application forms will be reviewed and confirmed by the Accreditation Program Advisor before proceeding.

6. Pay the Application Fee

Ethical Clothing Australia will send you an invoice for the application fee with a two-week deadline for payment. Your business’s accreditation period commences on the date that the initial accreditation fee is paid, and this will remain your business’s renewal date going forward. 

7. Compliance Audit Commences

Once the fee is paid, the Compliance Officer will reach out to you over email to commence the compliance audit. The email will detail all documentation required for the compliance audit and suggest a date for a kick-off meeting.

The timeframe of the compliance audit will vary depending on your business’s manufacturing circumstances and the size of your supply chain. In practice, most smaller applications will be completed within three to six months. 

8. The Compliance Audit is Completed

If there are any breaches of the Award or relevant legislation, the Compliance Officer will explain what these are, how they can be rectified, and you will be given time to do so. The compliance audit process is about working collaboratively with businesses and supporting businesses to understand their obligations.

9. The Application Is Approved

Your business is now accredited by Ethical Clothing Australia! We will issue your business an accreditation certificate and a copy of the compliance audit report. 

Our marketing and communications team will be in touch to help you get the most out of your accreditation, including preparing your business listing on the Ethical Clothing Australia website and announcing your accreditation on social media. They will also share tips on using the Ethical Clothing Australia trade mark to promote your accreditation.  

Accredited businesses can also make use of the Ethical Clothing Australia Toolkit, which is a great resource for maximising the promotion of your accreditation and communicating it effectively to your customers.