Exercise is good for the mind and body. But do you know what feels even better? Working out in ethically and locally made activewear. These ethical activewear labels are accredited by Ethical Clothing Australia, (ECA) which means they value their garment workers, pay them the correct wages and entitlements and ensure that they’re working in safe conditions, according to Australian workplace laws.
Ethical Activewear Brands
With the rise of conscious consumers, shoppers are looking beyond a label to examine the company behind the garments, some almost exclusively making purchases from companies that conduct business ethically and sustainably. It’s more important than ever to be able to easily identify ethical fashion brands in the crowded fashion marketplace.
When it comes to determining “what is ethical fashion?”, there are many definitions and criteria. Some industry players tie sustainable fabrics, sustainable materials, waste reduction, vegan production, recycled materials (such as recycled polyester), actions to reduce their carbon footprint and organically grown fabrics into their definitions of ‘ethical fashion’. It can easily become overwhelming!
While these are all important issues within the local textile, clothing and footwear (TCF) industry, ECA’s mission is to “protect the rights of both local factory-based workers and outworkers”. ECA defines ‘ethical fashion’ solely in terms of the fair treatment of workers, where local TCF workers are paid appropriately, receive all their legal entitlements and work in safe conditions.
ECA thanks you for taking steps towards researching and choosing to shop ethical brands for your next activewear purchases.
What does ‘ethical’ activewear mean?
These activewear brands have been accredited by ECA. Meaning the manufacturing of this workout clothing is ethical from the design, to pattern making, to sewing and dispatch (and all the parts in between). ECA’s accreditation program involves an annual compliance audit to ensure workers’ rights are being upheld.
Why shop for ethical athletic wear?
By purchasing from an ECA accredited activewear brand, you can be confident that the business you’re supporting protects and upholds the rights of their Australian garment workers throughout their supply chain. Why not care for TCF workers while you care for your body?
What items of ethical activewear can I buy?
From head to toe, there is a massive range of ethically made and ECA accredited activewear items for both men and women to choose from. Whether you’re in search of comfy organic basics, moisture wicking tees, cotton sweaters, lightweight running shorts, natural fibre sports socks, organic crop bras or cosy fleece sweatpants, you’ll be sure to find what you’re after amongst our diverse list of ethical activewear brands.
If you’re interested in discovering and supporting other ethical fashion brands you may also like to shop ethical swimwear, ethical underwear and ethical bags and wallets, all of which are ECA accredited.