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Markit Apparel

Markit Apparel is one of the leading computer apparel CAD services in Melbourne. They have a complete understanding of both garment design and manufacturing, and they offer a broad range of services including pattern design, grading, marking and detailed technical packages.

Markit Apparel's state of the art computer systems allows clients the quick response time, and with the ability to import and export files into other formats, they are able to extend their services to companies just needing help with overflow work. The core of their work involves digitising, grading, marker making, pattern card cutting and plotting.

Amount Made In Australia

Markit Apparel is proudly 100% made in Australia and accredited by Ethical Clothing Australia.

Manufacturing Capabilities

Do not manufacture TCF products - value-adding services only

Value Adding Capabilities

Marking/Grading, Made to Measure, Pattern Maker, Pattern Digitising

Minimum Order Quantity

500 Units


Knitted, Wovens, Heavy-weight, Jersey, Silk, Industrial