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Australian Defence Apparel factory tour

By 31 May 2022May 1st, 2024Business Spotlights

Australian Defence Apparel
factory tour

The Ethical Clothing Australia team recently had the opportunity to head out on a factory tour to Australian Defence Apparel in Bendigo, Victoria. We were greeted by David Frith and Kerry Hodges, who showed us around the factory and introduced us to some of the workers.

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During the factory tour, we had the opportunity to walk through the different parts of the factory, discuss the functions of the machines and speak to the people who operate them.


Sue working on a pocketsetter machine.

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Tim, who has been a Patternmaker for 30 years, laying out a pattern for a camouflage coat.

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Some of ADA’s workers on the factory floor.

During our tour, we got to hear Kerry’s story of how she became the Factory Manager at ADA.

She started working at the business as a sewing machinist in 1988 and worked her way up. She has held many different roles at ADA over the years and did work in quality inspecting and supervising before becoming the Factory Manager over 15 years ago.

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This is Australian Defence Apparel’s new embroidery machine that they are currently setting up and about to launch.

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Kerry showing David, Amanda and Jason some fabric for fire resistant garments.

Thank you to Australian Defence Apparel for showing us around your factory!